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EXAMPLE PARAGRAPHS (Click on name to see sample paragraph)

Thank you to all the authors who have submitted their short stories - and novel extracts - to Paragraph Planet. One piece of writing has been published every since November 2008! (If you are missing from the list, please contact me via the contact page)


Callie Mac, Sara Mac, Emily Macdonald, Mandy MacDonald, Vicky MacDonald Harris, Sean MacKendrick, N. Mackenzie, Fiona J Mackintosh, Ronnie Mackintosh, Chantal Mackley, Helen MacKinven, Roo I MacLeod, Patricia Ann McNair, Phil Madden, Isabela Maesano, Maira, Ramble Magee, FC Malby, Helena Mallett, Kate Mallinder, Gina Manchego Zufall, Louise Mangos, Rex Mankelow , Janice Mann, Nicola Manning, Dwayne Mansell, Carin Marais, Paul Marandina, Domenique Marchant, Natalie Gloria Marina, Cheryl Markosky, Dean Marriner, Laurie Marshall, Frazer Martin, Jayne Martin, Katie Martin, Marilyn Martin, Christine Maskell, Sarah Masters, Harmeet Matharu, CJ Matthews, Ioanna Mavrou, Ruth Maxwell, Brian Maycock, Kerry Mayo, dazmb, Colm McAuliffe, Bobby MacPherson, Andrew McBride, Jan McCarthy, Anne V McClure, Declan McCormack, Kirstie McCrum, Margot McCuaig Jan McCulloch, , Christa McDermott, Suzanne McDonnell, Richard McDonough, Mary McDonough Clark, Eleanor McEgan, Steve McEvoy, Nuala McEvoy, Brid McGinley, Ali McGrane, Cecilia McGuire, Matthew McGuirk, Pam McIlroy, Lindz McLeod, Kate McLennan, jfx mcloughlin, Morgan McIntyre, Marie McKay, Neil McKellar, Helene McKenna, DW KcKinney, M.G. McMahon, Anne McNeill, Wendy McPhee, Sarah McPherson, Joseph McPhillips, Moonbeam McQueen , Edie Meade, Elaine Mead, Marcelo Medone, Bonnie Meekums, Meerkuts, David Mercer, Helen Merrick, Ann Merrilees-Kelly, Erinna Mettler , Gareth J Mews, Abe Mezrich, Mia, Scott Hillier Michael, Penny Michalski, Bradford Middleton, Allison Miehl, Chris Milam , Anna Milanec , David Miles, Tamela Miles, Hannah Milev, Alistair Millar, Mandi Millen, Catherine Miller, Nina Miller, Silvia Juliet Millward, Chris Mills, Alison Milton, Emma Minihan, Seema Minon , E L Mitchell, Michael Mitchell, Sally Mitchell, Maureen Mitson, Thomas Mixon, Valerie Moar, Swati Moheet Agrawal, Fran Moir, Vineetha Mokkil, Oscar Moliver, Florence Molly, Giles Montgomery, Amy B Moreno, Karen Morgan, Karen Mooney, Chris Moore, Nathan Moore, Pam Moore, Albert Moot, MG Montoya, Whitney Moore, Amy B Moreno, Julie Morgan King, Keith Morley, Freya Morris, Jac Morris, John Morris, Kate Morris, Laura Morris, JB Morrison, David Mortimer, Jo Mortimer, Sarah Mosedale, Elizabeth Moura, Nicola Moxey, Beth Mulcahy, Frances Mulholland, DL Mullan, Alex Mullarky, Nigel Munson, Donna Munt, Michael Murdoch, Zoe Murdock, M Murniati, Lorraine Murphy, Will Murray, Don P. Musey, Rob Mutter, Pat Muzio, Steve Myers, Aneesha Myles Thriveni C Mysore, Liz Mytton,


Nadja, Aravind R Nair , Mahesh Nair, Anushree Nande, Dick Narvett, Lynda Nash, Katy Naylor, Jan Neale, Rachel Neithercut, Rommy Nelson, Ellie Ness, Denise Nettleton, Ian Nettleton, Rachel Newcombe, Sarah Newell, Janet Newman, Kev Neylon, Lucy Nibbs-Ramsey, Morgan Nicholls , Samantha Nicholls, Joanna Nicholson, Sarah Leanne Nicholson, Sarah Nicholson, Sonia Nicholson, Kapka Nilan, Robert Nisbet, Maria S. Nitsolas, Jon Nitsua, Rosemary Noble, JR Nolan, Chris Noonan , ML Noonan, Roger Noons, Vikki Norfolk, C Norman, Michael Nutter


Emily Oakes, Catherine O'Brien, Fiona O'Brien, Samantha O'Brien, Tom O'Brien, Amanda O'Callaghan, Bayveen O'Connell, Thomas O'Connell, Nuala O'Connor, Charlotte O'Farrell, Madeleine O'Gorman, JS O'Keefe, Basia O'Neill, Catherine Ogston, Sally O'Reilly, Bernard O'Rourke, Toirdealbhach î Lion‡ird, Mariella Angela H. Olden, Sonya Oldwin, Katie Oliver, Onyeche Onobu, Niall O Sioradain, Neil Ortenberg, Omobolar Osamor, Caroline Osborne, Randy Osborne, Kimberly Osgood, Henry Oswaldsson, Tony Oswick, Ben Ottridge, Miranda Overett, Mrs Ours, Claire Owen, Voima Oy


Jacqui Pack, David Pahor, Sal Page, Sarah Palmer, Nick Pantalones, Helena Pantsis, Mary Papas, Rob Paraman , Kester Park, Andrew Parker, Ciaran Parkes, Gavin Parish, Roger Parry, Nancy Parshall, Gina Parsons, Sue Partridge, Steven Patchett, Rayal Patel, DJ Paterson, Marc Paterson, Shaurya Pathania, Jennifer Patsalidou, Rachel Paxton-Hall, Pauly Paul, Trisha Paul, Clement Paulsen, Elise Paxson, Alison Payne, Sam Payne, Tom Payne, AJ Pearce , Helen Pearce, Mark Pearce, Raven Pena, Saragh Penfold, Liam Pennington, Saxon Pepperdine, Stuart Pereira, Gillian Perkins, Della Perry, Greg Perry, Angela Petch, Joseph S Peter, Mark Peterson, Pam Pheasant, Peter Pheasant, Janet Philo, Emma Phillips, Lesley Phillips, Paul Phillips, Pippa Phillips, Sian Phillips, Louise Phillips, Mari Phillips, Maria Picone, Karen F. Pierce, Myk Pilgrim, Dave Pitt, Julia Pittilla, Pam Plumb, Meg Pokrass, Anne Polhill Walton, Julia Poole, Annie Poppy, Carole Porter, Marc Isaac Potter, Jonathan Powell , Keith J. Powell, Simon Pressinger, Wyn Preston, E. Prybylski, Alex Price, Jennifer Price, Santino Prinzi, Jeff Provine, Samaire Provost, Jackie Pugh, Carol Purves, Jacqueline Pye,


Kathleen Quigley, Amanda Quinn

Paragraph Planet is a creative writing website which has been publishing one 75-word paragraph every day since November 2008. Famous authors, aspiring writers and occasional dabblers have all got involved, submitting a mixture of twist-in-the-tale flash fiction, evocative short, short fiction, openings of published novels or brief moments captured. Get involved here. You can read over 4000 examples in the archive section. In the authors directory, you can read an example paragraph from all authors who've submitted, and also link to dedicated pages with more info about regular contributors. There's also a Blog Directory of authors who've contributed to the site. If you can - and there's no obligation - please support the site via Ko-Fi.

All words and images (c)Paragraph Planet 2008-2023. Concept developed by Richard Hearn. If you would like to support the site, you can donate the price of a coffee - or less or more, here.