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Thank you to all the authors who have submitted their short stories - and novel extracts - to Paragraph Planet. One piece of writing has been published every since November 2008! (If you are missing from the list, please contact me via the contact page)


Tricia Faiclough, Zoe Fairbairns, Michelle Faithfull-Hinde, LIz Falkingham, Lyn Farell, Sarah Farley, Danny Farmer, Jane Farrow, Melanie Farrow, Ryan L Faura, Janet Fawdington, Linda Fawke, Tracy Fells, Brianna Fenty, Dulcie Few, Rory ffoulkes, Joana Figueiredo, Emma Finlayson-Palmer, Pete Fijalkowski, Loretta Finan, David Fine, Nicole Fitton, Sue Fitton, Angela Fitzpatrick, Jana Fitzp, Melissa Fitzpatrick, Tom Flanders, Samuel Flannagan, Sonia Fletcher, Mark Fletcher-Brown, Susan Flint Melinda Floyd, Andrew Flynn, Claire Kathleen Flynn, PD Flynn, Anna Foran, Jordan Forbes, Andrew Ford, Sammi Ford, Miriam Forde, Ellen Forkin, Christine Foster, E.M. Foster, Emma Foster, Kathleen Foxx, Seb FoxAllen, Laura Fowler, Milo James Fowler, Tizzie Frankish, Erica Fransisca, Tim Frank, Paris Franz, Anne French, Helen French, Jane French, Stephen French, Ed Freston, Emma Fuller, Sherri Fulmer Moorer, Laura Furner


Toni G, Pat Gadbsy, Jan Gale, David Galef, John Gall, Anuradha Ganapathy, Kathryn Ganfield, Ashwini Gangal, Frances Gapper, Jilly Gardener, Alexa Gardner, Jennie Gardner, Christian Garduno, Moira Garland, Rosie Garland, Nick Garrard, Michael Garriga, Vanessa Gebbie, Jasmine Geddes, Domenique Gelin, Vanessa Gellard, Rosemary Gemmell, Kaye George, Martin Geraghty, Natasha Gerber, Mel Gerdes, Faye Gersh, Sarah Giblin, Faye Gibson, Tabitha Gibson, Bob Gielow, Jill Gientzotis, Josie Gilbert, David Glass, Ewen Glass, Fiona Glass, Maisie Glazebrook, Shari Gledhill, Anne Glennie, Janet Gogerty, Shirley Golden, Amy Goldmacher, Lucy Goldring, Caroline Gonda, Simon Goss, Mathew Gostelow, Jessica Gordon, Daniel Gothard, Rita Gould, Tara Gould, Jan Grace, Dominique Gracia, Trish Graham, Jamie Graham, Carol Grant, K.T. Grant, Vicky Grantham, Courtenay S.Gray, James Gray, Storm Grayson, Tim Greaton, Susannah Greaves, Lynda Green, Sara Green, Chad Greene, S.A. Greene, Melisa Greenfield, Wendy Ann Greenhalgh, Wayne Greenough, Donna Greenwood, Matthew Gregory, Valerie Griffin, Bronwen Griffiths, Elly Griffiths, Rhys Griffiths, Jo Grills, Mary Grimm, Wiebo Grobler, Steve Grumette, Barbara Grunwell, Brenda Gvozdanovic, Elizabeth Guilt, Prapti Gupta, Meg Gurney,


Rebecca H, Geja Hadderingh, Kris Haddow, Zena Hagger, Liz Haigh , Amanda Hale, Jacqui Hales, Araminta Hall, Jen Hall, Eli Haliwell, Spencer Halls, Laura Halpin, Kay Hamdan, Racheal Hamilton, Maddy Hamley, JR Hampton, Liz Hanley, Megan Hanlon, Elaine Hankin, Emily Hansen, Heather Hapeta , Janelle Hardacre, Alan Harding, James T Harding, Will Harket, Jacqueline Harett, Carl Harris, EAM Harris, Michael Harris, Melanie Harrison, K Hartless, Ninette Hartley, Clare Harvey, Jeff Harvey, Jocelyn-Ann Harvey, Danielle Haslehurst, Ben Hatch, Joshua Hatcher, Liz Hathaway, Carol Hatton, T Haven Morse, Philippa Hawley, Sue Hawkesworth, Doug Hawley, Philippa Hawley, Martin Haworth, Alexander Hay, Ceinwen Haydon, Elizabeth Haynes, Tracey Hayward, Lyn Hazelton, Gina Headden, Patricia Hearn, Richard Hearn, Sophie Hearn, Penny Heath, Vicky Heath, Barbara Heather, Lindsey Heatherly, Karin Hedetniemi, Liz Hedgecock, Kris Heimark, Jay Heltzer, Kyle Hemmings, Austin Hendricks, Kevlin Henney, Malcolm Henshall, David Henson, Karin Herbs, PL Herlihy, David J Hersher, Fiona Heslop, Patrick Hewitt, Jill Hickey, Silvia Hickey, Mike Hickman, Barbara Hickson, Ashley Hickson-Lovence, Emma Higgins , Nikki Higgins, M. Irene Hill, Niamh Hill, Leslie Hills, Sara Hills, Ed Hillyer, Jeremy Hinchliff, Cathy Hird, Brian Hoban, Keith Hoerner, Miles Hohnstein, John Hoggard, Vee Hoggard, Angi Holden, Ruth Holgate, Cath Holland, John Holland, Lucy Holland, Nadeem Holland, SJI Holliday, Katie Holloway, Geoff Holme, Amanda Holmes, John Holmes, Mary Kay Holmes, Nic Holmes, Martin Hooijimans, Ian Hooper, Saddie Hopes, Elizabeth Hopkinson, Pamela Horitani, Emma Hornby, Kevin Horsley, Melanie Horton, Arunima Hoskote, Aaron J. Housholder, Anne Howkins, Damon Hubbs, David Hughes, Jen Hughes, Suzy Hughes, Valerie Hughes, Nathan Hughes-Berry, Cath Humphris, Emma Hunneyball, Jon Hunter, Barbara Hurwitz, Jasper Hutson, Stephanie Hutton,


Joseph I'Anson, Kelly Ian, Will Ingrams, Katie Isham, Isabella, Susan Israel, Andy Ives,


Morning AJ, Wicked Jade, Anoushka Jain, Arthur James, Frank James, Margaret James, Neil James, Sue James, Philip Jankowski, Bethany Jarmul, Anna Jay, Lucy Jayne, Daniel Jeffreys, Ingrid Jendrzejewski, Paul Jenkins, Mike Jennings,Jenny Jewiss, Camilla Johansson, Nick Johns, Margaret Johnson, Nichola Johnson, Sue Johnson, Rosemary Johnson, Gavin Johnston, Fee Johnstone, Meri Johnston, Neill Johnstone, BF Jones, Carys Jones, Derek Jones, Gaynor Jones, Jonah Jones, Mab Jones, Beth Jones Phillips, Katie Jordan, Diantha Jorgenson, Nancy Jorgensen, Rachael Joseph, Jennifer Joyce, Benjamin Judge, Kendra Judge, Kevin Judge


John Kaelin, Anna Kahn, Rohit Karir, Viya Karish, Victor Karuga, Liz Kay, Laura Kayes, Kaz, Leta Keane, Ann Keeling, Brenda Keer, Pratibha Kelapure, Mae Keller, Carol Kellison, Caroline Kelly, Conor Kelly, Debbie Kelly, Judith W Kelly, Kerry Valkyrie Kelly, Kathleen Kelson, Cecilia Kennedy, Jake Kennedy, Chris Kenny, Calum Kerr, Tim Kershaw, LJ Kessels, Emily Key, Ruth Khan, Michael Kiggins, Elaine Kilshaw , Teddy Kimathi, Alice Kinerk, Alison King, Angela King, Graeme King, Sally Kirby, Bill Kirton, Hank Kirton, Clare Kirwan, Cliff Kitney, Mary Kitt, Rebecca Klassen, Margaret Knight, Claire Knowles, Jack Koebnig, Matthew Konkel, Jill Korn, E Kraft, Avalina Kreska, Asha Krishna, Mark Kuglin,


David L, Jennifer Lai, Chrissy Lake, Sara Laksimi, Dave Lambert, Nick Lord Lancaster, Susan T. Landry, Kayla Lang, Martha Lane, Yvonne Lang, Georgina Langley, LA Lanier, Annie Lareau, George Larkwright, Janet Laugharne, Kevin Lavelle, Andy Lavender, Maud Lavin, Evaleni Lawson, Barbara Lawton, Helen Laycock, Francesca Leader, Janice Leagra, Nikki Leaper, Daniel J Lee, Jacqui Lee, Joyce Lee, Kimberly Lee, Matt Leibel, Cathy Lennon, Nina Lenton, Louella Lester, Kait Leonard, Louella Lester, Roz Levens, Audrey Lewis, Camille Lewis, Elizabeth Leyland, Matthew Lidis, Chis Lihou, Verity Limond, Andy Lind, Marie Little, Richard Littledale, Suzanne Lively, Melissa Llanes Brownlee, Heather Llewellyn, Vivienne Llewellyn,Nikki Lloyd, Claire Loader, Alison Lock, Kik Lodge, Stephen John Lodge, Panni Loh, Jane Lomas, D. Long, Margaret Lonsdale, Ysabella Dominique Lonzame, JP Lor, Lizzie Loughlin, Leigh Loveday, Jan Loxley Blount, David Lowis, Tricia Lowther, Laura Lozinski, Claudia Lundahl, Rosaleen Lynch, HS Lyon, KL Lyons, Helen Lyttle

Paragraph Planet is a creative writing website which has been publishing one 75-word paragraph every day since November 2008. Famous authors, aspiring writers and occasional dabblers have all got involved, submitting a mixture of twist-in-the-tale flash fiction, evocative short, short fiction, openings of published novels or brief moments captured. Get involved here. You can read over 1600 examples in the archive section. There are also interviews with some of the published authors who have submitted to the site, as well as an authors page in which you can read an example paragraph from all authors who've submitted, and also link to dedicated pages with more info about regular contributors. There's also a Blog Directory of authors who've contributed to the site.

Paragraph Planet is a creative writing website which has been publishing one 75-word paragraph every day since November 2008. Famous authors, aspiring writers and occasional dabblers have all got involved, submitting a mixture of twist-in-the-tale flash fiction, evocative short, short fiction, openings of published novels or brief moments captured. Get involved here. You can read over 4000 examples in the archive section. In the authors directory, you can read an example paragraph from all authors who've submitted, and also link to dedicated pages with more info about regular contributors. There's also a Blog Directory of authors who've contributed to the site. If you can - and there's no obligation - please support the site via Ko-Fi.

All words and images (c)Paragraph Planet 2008-2023. Concept developed by Richard Hearn. If you would like to support the site, you can donate the price of a coffee - or less or more, here.